
UploadSet Configuration

You can create as many UploadSet`s as you need. The `UploadSet object follows a special syntax for naming the configuration keys. The Flask-Reuploaded extension will attach each UploadSet with its configuration according to this syntax:


Where [1] is the capitalized set name and [2] is the config suffix, usually it is one of DEST, URL, ALLOW or DENY.

As an example: If you have one set named files, you have the following config keys:





The following is the description of each configuration key.

Config Key



This indicates the directory that the uploaded files will be saved to.


If you have a server set up to serve the files for this set, this should be the URL they are publicly accessible from. Including a trailing slash.


This config allows additional file extensions not allowed by the used upload set.


Denies file extensions allowed by the used upload set.

To save on configuration time, there are two settings you can provide that apply as “defaults” if you don’t provide the proper settings otherwise.

Config Key



If an upload set’s destination isn’t declared, then its uploads will be stored in a subdirectory of this directory. For example, if you set this to /var/uploads, then a set named photos will store its uploads in /var/uploads/photos.


If you have a server set up to serve from UPLOADS_DEFAULT_DEST, then set the server’s base URL here. Continuing the example above, if /var/uploads is accessible from http://localhost:5001, then you would set this to http://localhost:5001/ and URLs for the photos set would start with http://localhost:5001/photos. Include the trailing slash.

You should ensure that each UploadSet you are creating has set its destination directory, otherwise you will get a RuntimeError exception. To avoid this error, you should set UPLOADED_[SETNAME]_DEST or UPLOADS_DEFAULT_DEST.

Autoserve Configuration

UPLOADS_AUTOSERVE Setting this configuration to True enables automatic viewing/downloading of uploaded files. When the name of the UploadSet is photos and the name of the uploaded file is snow.jpg, the file is available via:

flask.url_for('_uploads.uploaded_file', setname='photos', filename='snow.jpg')

which resolves to: http://localhost:5000/_uploads/photos/snow.jpg if you are running your server on localhost at port 5000 (The flask default)

Default Value: In order to stay compatible with Flask-Uploads, for Flask-Reuploaded<1.0.0 the UPLOADS_AUTOSERVE default is True. Since version 1.0.0 it is False by default.

If you want to serve the uploaded files via http, and you expect heavy traffic, you should think about serving the files directly via a web/proxy server, such as e.g. Nginx.

Maximum File Length Configuration

By default, Flask doesn’t put any limits on the size of the uploaded data. To limit the max upload size, you can use Flask’s MAX_CONTENT_LENGTH as documented by Flask .